Entries tagged "Liminal Horror"

March 11, 2024 Liminal Horror Third Party License This license allows anyone to make adventures, monsters, spells, content or mechanics for Liminal Horror and sell or publish for free. If you follow January 7, 2023 Designing Framework Liminal Horror as an adaptable system for bringing modern horror to the ttrpg table. This Design Framework is intended to help designers, creators, December 25, 2022 dungeon23 prep for The Below Where Goblin Archives attempts to write a room a day for a year and see if a traditional mega-dungeon will work with Liminal Horror. For those not December 21, 2022 Tales from the Void... What lurks within the dark “dead” by Max Lander. From the zine Night Walks Issue #1 As this jam has evolved, it has become clear that having a collection of LIMINAL HORROR December 21, 2022 Tales from the Void; Supplements & Hacks “mind” by Max Lander. From the zine Night Walks Issue #1 As this jam has evolved, it has become clear that having a collection of LIMINAL HORROR October 30, 2022 Future Liminal Horror Projects There are a few different projects on the horizon for Liminal Horror. There are some amazing projects coming up. While I can’t share exact details Media Liminal Horror is Solid by Batts Liminal Horror Review by Pod of Blunders The Bureau Actual Play (Gehenna Gaming) (Episode 1) (Episode 2) October 30, 2022 The Archivist is a faction of one. Often presenting himself as a journalist, a writer, sometimes a private eye. While not outright lies (there are September 19, 2022 Light How a scene is lit is an essential component for tone and tension. Where dungeons have torches that sputter out, Liminal Horror has: Headlights of September 18, 2022 It Follows IT FOLLOWS: You have become entwined with an entity that creeps ever towards you. It never stops, stalking you endlessly until you are dead. It can September 10, 2022 Appendix V...Vehicle's Expanded Vehicles have HP. When HP reaches 0 the vehicle is totaled. Totaling a vehicle causes damage to those in and around. Vehicle damage is relative to August 9, 2022 Adventure Writing Primer Liminal Horror as a system works extremely well for bringing modern horror to the ttrpg table. The core rules are built on the chassis of Carin (and July 28, 2022 Faction The Bureau The Bureau is a government organization tasked with controlling the paranatural. Contain and control any paranatural threats. Dimensional bleeds, April 18, 2022 Time Procedures for Liminal Horror Appendix T: Measurements of time are often abstracted in games, sometimes to the point of not being explicitly mentioned in the text. With April 18, 2022 Ghosts of Another Present The possibilities are endless, ever fracturing from this point into infinite iterations. These beings are physical manifestations of other Published Works and Downloads Liminal Horror Core Rules in print at Exalted Funeral / itch / drivethrurpg / free searchable-website リミナルホラー booth.pm / itch / drivethruprg The April 15, 2022 Funnel Rules The below text are the adapted rules for create in PCs and for running a a funnel adventure. Adapted from Xenio’s Cairn Funnel Rules. This content April 15, 2022 Voidcrawl Procedure for Liminal Horror Adapted from mv’s blog derelictcrawl procedure for Mothership - hypertext corner Appendix V: A turn based system for your Liminal Horror sessions April 15, 2022 Welcome to the Goblin Archives This website/collection of ramblings is my attempt to catalogue the wide variety or project and things I’m working on. Many will focus on Liminal